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Smart Protection for Smartphones,
New & In-use.


Invest in peace of mind, get insurance coverage for your smartphone screen, for as low as N3,500. To get started, download the app

Designed for your peace of mind

Our smartphone device insurance ensures your devices are protected against unexpected damages or losses, allowing you to focus on what matters most without worry


Remote Onboarding

Our onboarding process takes less than 3 minutes and can be done from the comfort of your home


Low Insurance Premiums

Affordable premiums that protect all classes of smartphones against screen damage


Seamless Claims

Enjoy swift smartphone screen replacement immediately phone screen damage is reported


No Paperwork

Skip the hassle of paperwork with our efficient digital processes, from registration to claims

Get Started Now . . .
See Your Perfect Plan

What's the price of your smartphone?

We Leave No One Out. Plans Ms Made for You, You, and You!


Mini Guard

₦ 3,500

Paid Bianually

Repair coverage up to ₦50,000

1 claim per policy

Accidental Damage Protection

Phone & chat support

Liquid spill cleanup


Mega Protect

₦ 6,500

Paid Bianually

Repair coverage up to ₦100,000

1 claim per policy

Accidental Damage Protection

Phone & chat support

Liquid spill cleanup


Ultra Shield

₦ 15,000

Paid Bianually

Repair coverage up to ₦250,000

1 claim per policy

Accidental Damage Protection

Phone & chat support

Liquid spill cleanup

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Don't just protect your screen,
join the Movement!

Beyond screen insurance. Join our movement for financial inclusion, get device protection in minutes. Download the app for exclusive tech tips and offers

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